School Name

Park Ridge ES (1951)

School Year

2018 - 2019




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

A strategic plan for MTSS implementation is developed

Why is it occuring?

Several members of the CPST are no longer working at Park Ridge. There is a new RtI contact and key stakeholders will be added to the CPST.

What are we going to do about it?

Restructure CPST Leadership team and their roles.  

Action Plan

1.  New team members will be added and their roles will be determined.
2. Each grade level, SBLT, and CPST will be trained on the MTSS process. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

1. Document number of and types of trainings in place for all key stakeholders.

Person(s) Responsible

Mrs. Marshall

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Leadership

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
LeadershipMonitoringArtifact2.pdf Joseph N Balchunas 5/31/2018
LeadershipMonitoringArtifact1.pdf Joseph N Balchunas 5/31/2018


Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Professional development and coaching provided to staff

Why is it occuring?

Several MTSS members are no longer working at Park Ridge, inexperienced staff, and breakdowns in the CPST process.

What are we going to do about it?

Provide specific trainings focusing on helping the MTSS leadership team and staff navigate the MTSS process and provide ELL and RTI support to teachers, students, and community.

Action Plan

1. Monthly meetings focusing on providing specific support for navigating the MTSS process.
2. Case managers assigned to each grade level to offer on-going support in analyzing data, identifying intervnetions, and progress monitoring.
3. Provide subs so new teachers can attend district trainings to support teacher professional development related to intervention strategies.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

1. Document number of and types of trainings new teachers have recieved to support student learning.
2. Monitor referrals and data being supplied by teachers in the MTSS process.
3. Track participation in parent activities and events.

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
BuildingCapacity2.pdf Joseph N Balchunas 5/31/2018
BuildingCapacity1.pdf Joseph N Balchunas 5/31/2018