School Name

Meadowbrook ES (0761)

School Year

2018 - 2019




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

A strategic plan for MTSS implementation is developed

Why is it occuring?

A strategic plan has been created to implement MTSS so we can ensure all students are getting their individual needs met. We need to review tier 1 instruction to determine need for tier 2 and tier 3. Interventions need to match the area of weakness for each studnet. 

What are we going to do about it?

We have developed a strategic plan that incorporates every member of the leadership team. The MTSS team meets weekly for meetings or consultations with teachers. Consulations allow the RtI coordinator to review class data to determine the need for RtI for students that have not yet been brought to the process. A database is kept updated to show where in the process we are for each student. Case managers have been assigned for each grade level so that teachers can ask questions and receive help with the process. Case managers are also responsible for monitoring the implementation of interventions. 

Action Plan

Consult with each teacher.
Analyze data to determine student weakness and the best intervention.
 Meet with teachers weekly to monitor data . 
Case managers with check fidelity of interventions. 
Meet with parents as needed. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Success is measured by an increase in student data. Data is monitored weekly. 

Person(s) Responsible

Jennifer Liberatore, Aleisha Coleman, Matt Whaley

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Leadership

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
RtI-Case-Managers.docx Jennifer Liberatore 10/18/2018


Communication and Collaboration

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Educators actively engage families in MTSS

Why is it occuring?

All stakeholders including educators and families need to be engaged in the MTSS process. Parents need to be aware of the process and how they are able to help their child at home. In addition, they need to be made aware of the interventions being done and what the school is doing for their child. 

What are we going to do about it?

We have developed a system to notify parents as soon as a student begins interventions. In addition to parents being notified through conferences and interims, parents receive a letter that explains what tier and intervention the student is receiving. The parent also recieves information that explains the process and resources that they can do at home. After collecting data, parents are notified again and invited to a meeting with the MTSS team. The MTSS team meets with the parent and reviews data to determine the next steps for the student and teacher. 

Action Plan

Send letters to notify parents. Send At Home Reading Plan. Meet with parents for MTSS meeting. Determine next steps for student. Meet with parents every 4-6 weeks. If parents do not attend we will call home to attempt a phone conference. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

We will monitor success by using a speadsheet that indicates if the parent notice was returned. The spreadhseet also indicates if parents have attended the meeting or if we were able to contact them by phone. Success will be measured by having an increased number of parents attending meetings and being notfied. 

Person(s) Responsible

Jennifer Liberatore, Aleshia Coleman, Matt Whaley

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Communication and Collaboration

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
Meadow-brook-Elementary-School-Broward-SAM-Report-2018.pdf Carmello Moussignac 12/14/2018
mtss-meeting-parent-notice.docx Jennifer Liberatore 10/18/2018
RtIParentLetter.doc Jennifer Liberatore 10/18/2018
RtI-Trackings-Sheet.docx Jennifer Liberatore 10/18/2018