School Name

Westglades MS (3871)

School Year

2017 - 2018




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

The principal is actively involved

A leadership team is established

The leadership team actively engages in ongoing professional development

A strategic plan for MTSS implementation is developed

The leadership team is actively facilitating implementation

Why is it occuring?

What are we going to do about it?

Action Plan

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date

Completion Date

Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

The critical elements of MTSS are defined and understood

Professional development and coaching provided to staff

The leadership team facilitates PD on data-based problem-solving

The leadership team facilitates PD on multi-tiered instruction and intervention

Coaching is used to support MTSS implementation

Schedules provide adequate time for training and coaching

Schedules provide adequate time to administer assessments

Schedules provide adequate time for multiple tiers of instruction/interventions

Schedules provide adequate time for data-based problem-solving

Processes, procedures, and decision-rules are established for DBPS

Resources to support MTSS implementation are identified and allocated

Why is it occuring?

What are we going to do about it?

Action Plan

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date

Completion Date

Communication and Collaboration

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

Staff have consensus and engage in MTSS Implementation

Staff are provided data on MTSS fidelity and student outcomes

The infrastructure exists to support family and community engagement

Educators actively engage families in MTSS

Why is it occuring?

This is occuring because it is necessary to continuously provide parents with MTSS/RtI information to increase the outcomes of school/home support. To address this element, we will continue to educate parents regarding the RtI/MTSS process to provide awareness and understanding of the process.

What are we going to do about it?

To address infrastructure, family suport and community engagement, we will provide parent and community education through various parent/community groups, meetings and events. For example, PTA, SAC, parent conferences/meetings and school events. 

Action Plan

Our plan is to utilize time during our parent meetings and community events to increase awareness of the RtI/MTSS process and specific supports at Westglades Middle School. In doing so, we will seek feedback from all stakholders to improve our processes and strengthen internal and external relationships. 


How will we monitor and measure our success?

We will use the following to monitor our success: 

  • Parent Surveys
  • Weekly MTSS Agenda 
  • BASIS Referrals
  • Teacher Feedback

Person(s) Responsible


Follow Up Date


Completion Date


Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

DBPS for student outcomes occurs across content areas, grade levels, and tiers

Across tiers, data used to identify "gap" between expected and current outcomes

Data are used to identify reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Plans based on verified reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Student progress specific to academic or behavior goals are monitored

Data are used to address performance across diverse group

Resources for implementation of MTSS are addressed through data-based problem-solving

Why is it occuring?

 We are working towards getting the whole staff to enter in data into BASIS so we have student data readily availble when we meet at MTSS.

What are we going to do about it?

We are going to re-train the staff on how to enter data into BASIS on October 20th 2017.

Action Plan

We are going to have the staff split into small groups so BASIS training can be more personalized.  We are going to have the teachers do activities where they have to go into BASIS and enter data.  There will be follow up at their grade level meetings. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

We will monitor by checking in BASIS to see the if teachers are entering data.  

Person(s) Responsible

Dione Reed and Matt Bianchi

Follow Up Date


Completion Date


Supporting Evidence for Data-Based Problem-Solving

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
SAM-2018.pdf Jon La Rosa 10/10/2018


Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

Staff understand and have access to data sources

Policies and procedures for decision-making are established

Effective data tools are used appropriately and independently by staff

Data sources are used to evaluate the fidelity and impact

Available resources are allocated effectively

Data sources are monitored for consistency and accuracy

Why is it occuring?

What are we going to do about it?

Action Plan

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date

Completion Date