Beyond Expected Student Targets (BEST)

The Broward County Public School system (BCPS), the nation’s largest fully accredited K-12 school district, is committed to giving our students the greatest gift we can give our children, a high quality education. As we continue to face the challenges of educational change and to make sure that all students are college and career ready, the Broward County Public School system has developed the Broward's BEST Blueprint. The Office of School Performance & Accountability (OSPA), the Office of Academics (Academics), and the Office of Talent Development (OTD) work together to deliver teaching and learning at the highest quality.
The Beyond Expected Student Targets (BEST) Blueprint is a plan that combines four BEST Practices: A Focused & Authentic Professional Learning Community (PLC), professional learning for teachers; Response to Intervention (RtI), providing personalized strategies for students; Optimal Internal/External Relationships, improving school and community relationships; and Scaling up Best Practices, sharing proven educational practices.
Every student is expected to make one year’s worth of academic growth based on the state’s standardized tests. This is referred to as their expected academic target. Using the BEST Blueprint, students will excel Beyond Expected Student Targets. The Blueprint provides administrators, teachers, and staff with the tools necessary to meet the individual needs of all students and encourages parents and communities to become active participants in the educational planning for children.
The Broward County Public School system strives for excellence in education. AdvancEd (formerly SACS and SACS-CASI) is the accreditation agency for Broward County Public Schools. District Accreditation, as a Quality System, validates Broward County's success as well as recognizes the efforts of every Broward County School District employee.
There are five Accreditation Standards: Purpose and Direction, Governance and Leadership, Teaching and Assessing for Learning, Resources and Support Systems, and Using Results for Continuous Improvement.
The BEST Blueprint & AdvancED Accreditation Standards Correlation:
1. |
Purpose and Direction: The BEST Blueprint maintains and communicates at all levels of the organization a purpose and direction for continuous improvement that commits to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning. |
2. |
Governance and Leadership: The BEST Blueprint is a part of a system of governance and leadership that promotes and supports student performance and system effectiveness. |
3. |
Teaching and Assessing for Learning: The BEST Blueprint supports the district’s practices for curriculum, instructional design, and assessment, ensuring teacher effectiveness and student learning across all grades and courses. |
4. |
Resources and Support Systems: The BEST Blueprint leverages BCPS resources and provides services in all schools to support its purpose and direction to ensure success for all students. |
5. |
Using Results for Continuous Improvement: The BEST Blueprint supports the district’s comprehensive assessment process that generates a wide range of data about student learning and system effectiveness and uses the results to guide continuous improvement. |