School Name

Atlantic West ES (2511)

School Year

2017 - 2018



Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

DBPS for student outcomes occurs across content areas, grade levels, and tiers

Across tiers, data used to identify "gap" between expected and current outcomes

Data are used to identify reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Plans based on verified reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Student progress specific to academic or behavior goals are monitored

Data are used to address performance across diverse group

Resources for implementation of MTSS are addressed through data-based problem-solving

Why is it occuring?

Teachers lack training and pedagogy.

What are we going to do about it?

Support staff will analyze areas of weakness and create a focus calendar for the year.

Action Plan

1. Analyze student data.
2. Create a focus calendar/action plan.
3. Develop a staff training and possibly request outside assistance.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Student growth according to data (BAS, FSA, i-Ready)

Person(s) Responsible

Support Staff & Administration

Follow Up Date


Completion Date


Supporting Evidence for Data-Based Problem-Solving

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
Atlantic-West-Elementary-SAM-Report-Broward-2017.pdf Amber Boles 10/12/2017
SAM-Action-Plan-AWE17.docx Amber Boles 10/9/2017

Three Tiered Instructional /Intervention Model

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

Tier 1 academic practices clearly identify learning standards

Tier 1 behavior practices identify school-wide expectations

Tier 2 academic practices include common student needs, are linked to Tier 1

Tier 2 behavior practices include common student needs, are linked to Tier 1

Tier 3 academic practices are based on students' needs, aligned with Tier 1 and Tier 2

Tier 3 behavior practices are based on students' needs, aligned with Tier 1 and Tier 2

Why is it occuring?

Teachers are lacking experience dealing with students who have challenging behaviors. They need exposure to research-based classroom management strategies.

What are we going to do about it?

RTI team will provide training to staff members.
RTI team will invite teachers to participate in bi-weekly meetings.

Action Plan

1. RTI teams gives training of MTSS/RtI process
2. RTI team models research- based classroom management systems (CHAMPS, PAX).
3. RTI team supports teachers by monitoring and offering suggestions for positive implementation.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Classroom walkthroughs, RTI referrals, observation through coaching sessions.

Person(s) Responsible

RtI Team

Follow Up Date


Completion Date


Supporting Evidence for Three Tiered Instructional /Intervention Model

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
Atlantic-West-Elementary-SAM-Report-Broward-2017.pdf Amber Boles 10/12/2017
SAM-Action-Plan-AWE17.docx Amber Boles 10/9/2017