School Name

Attucks MS (0343)

School Year

2017 - 2018




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

The principal is actively involved

A leadership team is established

The leadership team actively engages in ongoing professional development

A strategic plan for MTSS implementation is developed

The leadership team is actively facilitating implementation

Why is it occuring?

There were conflicting shedules with administration and guidance.

What are we going to do about it?

Create a PLC Time where administrators, teachers, and guidance all participate to create and implement agreed upon interventions.

Action Plan

Meet as a twice per month as a CPS Team but add a bi-weekly RTI Student discussion days where teachers and leadership can collaborate on interventions and analyze data.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

By looking at the number of teachers actively documenting tier 1 strategies on BASIS and student success overall.

Person(s) Responsible

Donina Alls

Follow Up Date


Completion Date


Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

DBPS for student outcomes occurs across content areas, grade levels, and tiers

Across tiers, data used to identify "gap" between expected and current outcomes

Data are used to identify reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Plans based on verified reasons why students are not meeting expectations

Student progress specific to academic or behavior goals are monitored

Data are used to address performance across diverse group

Resources for implementation of MTSS are addressed through data-based problem-solving

Why is it occuring?

Teachers are not proficient in the use of BASIS documentation.

What are we going to do about it?

Bi- weekly PLCs have been created to assist our teachers in becoming familiar with BASIS. Also, teachers will have an opportunity to collaborate with other teachers with same students of concern.  Interventions and strategies will be discussed at these meetings.

Action Plan

Bi- weekly PLCs have been created to assist our teachers in becoming familiar with BASIS. Also, teachers will have an opportunity to collaborate with other teachers with same students of concern.  Interventions and strategies will be discussed at these meetings.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Bi- weekly PLCs have been created to assist our teachers in becoming familiar with BASIS. Also, teachers will have an opportunity to collaborate with other teachers with same students of concern.  Interventions and strategies will be discussed at these meetings.

Person(s) Responsible

Donnina Alls

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Current Average
Goal Average
For 2017 - 2018
What elements will be addressed?

Staff understand and have access to data sources

Policies and procedures for decision-making are established

Effective data tools are used appropriately and independently by staff

Data sources are used to evaluate the fidelity and impact

Available resources are allocated effectively

Data sources are monitored for consistency and accuracy

Why is it occuring?

What are we going to do about it?

Action Plan

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date

Completion Date