Select School Year

Schoolwide Attendance Plan

School Name

Stoneman Douglas, M. HS (3011)

School Year

2016 - 2017



Data for 2015 - 2016 (Last year)



Chronic Absenteeism
(10% or More Days)

Excessive Absences
(21 Days or More)

Grade Level

Total Number




































Purpose of Plan

  1. Describe where the school is currently, using quantitative data. Include other data if needed, cite the source of the data, (e.g. Data Warehouse)

  2. Describe where the school wants to be (use precise data points), be specific and simply state what you plan to do, using the SMART guidelines in writing your goal statement.

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable/Achievable
    • Results-focused, and
    • Time-bound.


Strategies To Be Implemented

Describe each strategy and include benchmarks/data points per quarter.

2: Section #1: Plan Type

Plan Type

By May 2017, 92% of students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas will be attending 90% or more days of school for the 2016-2017 school year. 

Our school is working to improve our student attendance by contacting parents about their child's absences and by utilizing RtI Tier I strategies to promote a positive learning environment. We have also held grade level assemblies to clarify to students the importance of attending class and we have outlined consequences for lack of regular school attendance. According to last year's data (DWH), our sophomore students had the highest percentage of student absences. Therefore, more attention was given to address this concern at the beginning of the year by explaining the attendance policy in detail to all students in our grade level assemblies.

We also have a mentoring program in place that targets students with attendance concerns. This program is a RtI Tier 2 intervention that creates a more personalized plan for struggling students. Teachers are meeting with 5 struggling students academically and are monitoring their attendance.  There is also a mentoring program in place where minority students that have shown academic success are assigned to other minority students that are struggling academically and they are also monotoring their attendance (MTL).



2: Section #2: Purpose of Plan/Projection

Purpose of Plan:

The purpose of this plan is to promote student attendance on a daily basis, consequently decreasing the percentage of absent students by 3%.  We currently have  8.28% (254 students) that are absent for more than 10 days and  3.78% (116 students) that are absent for more than 21 days.  The ultimate goal is to reach out to these students to promote regular school attendance in order for them to be academically successful.

Based on data that was collected from Student Research and Assessment, our enrollment trend has improved. This has happened despite an increase in our enrollment. Last year, in the months of September and October, 90% and 91% of our students attended 90% or more days for each month. Currently, we have had 92% and 93% of our students attend 90% or more days for each month respectively. 



2: Section #3: Strategies to be implemented

Unexcused Absences

Strategies to be implementd are using RtI strategies of contacting parents, having discussions with students about attendance, as well as referring students with a pattern of non-attendance to the RtI Team where they meet with the parent to identify possible remedies.  The strategies below will be implemented:

1. Frequent communication between the teacher and family
2. Changes in the learning environment
3. Mentoring
4. Student counseling
5. Tutoring, including peer tutoring
6. Placement into different classes
7. Evaluation for alternative education programs
8. Attendance contracts
9. Referral to other agencies for family interventions or services 
10. Probationary Contracts
11. Referral to Social Worker
12. Recission of reassignment (when applicable)


Excessive Excused Absences
(5 or more in a single month)

The below listed strategies will be utilized to promote school attendance and monitor excessive excused absences:

1. Parent teacher conferences
2. Social Worker Referral
3. Administrative Conference
4. CPST Conference

If there is a strong correlation between excused absences and poor acadmic performance,then the RtI Team will determine other alternatives that will be more suitable for the student in question. 



We have developed a School-wide Positive Behavior Plan that addresses Tardiness. The strategy to improve habitual tardiness is outlined below:

First Tardy - Warning, Parent Contact
Second Tardy - 30-Minute Detention
Third Tardy - 30-Minute Detention
Fourth Tardy - One Period Internal Suspension
Fifth Tardy - Administrative Referral

This process continues throughout the marking period and refreshes at the start of a marking period. Students that continue to have issues with habitual tardiness will be subject to:

1. Parent teacher conferences
2. Social Worker Referral
3. Administrative Conference
4. CPST Conference


Excessive Early Sign Out

1. Verbal Warning and Reminder of Board Policy

  • Our clerical staff will remind parents of Board Policy and they will also record the names of the students and parents that are signing out early.​
2. Administrative Warning
  • If the incident occurs again the student and parent will be required to have a conversation/conference with the grade level administrator to ensure that parents are aware of the parameters regarding Excessive Early Sign Out. 
  • Administration will monitor these Early Sign Outs and make the appropriate notations. 
​3. If the Early Sign Out occurs a third time the student will be temporarily suspended from Extra Curricular Acitivites.


Pattern of Non-Attendance
(Combinaton of the 4 previews strategies)

The below listed strategies will be utilized to promote school attendance and monitor Patterns of Non-Attendance:

1. Parent teacher conferences
2. Social Worker Referral
3. Administrative Conference
4. CPST Conference
5. Alternative Placement
6. Recission of Reassignment (when applicable)


Chronic Absenteeism

The below listed strategies will be utilized to promote school attendance and monitor Chronic Absenteeism:

1. Parent teacher conferences
2. Social Worker Referral
3. Administrative Conference
4. CPST Conference
5. Alternative Placement
6. Recission of Reassignment (when applicable)

If there is a strong correlation between excused absences and poor acadmic performance the RtI Team will determine other alternatives that will be more suitable for the student in question.