Select School Year

Schoolwide Attendance Plan

School Name

Griffin ES (2851)

School Year

2016 - 2017



Data for 2015 - 2016 (Last year)



Chronic Absenteeism
(10% or More Days)

Excessive Absences
(21 Days or More)

Grade Level

Total Number
















































Purpose of Plan

  1. Describe where the school is currently, using quantitative data. Include other data if needed, cite the source of the data, (e.g. Data Warehouse)

  2. Describe where the school wants to be (use precise data points), be specific and simply state what you plan to do, using the SMART guidelines in writing your goal statement.

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable/Achievable
    • Results-focused, and
    • Time-bound.


Strategies To Be Implemented

Describe each strategy and include benchmarks/data points per quarter.

2: Section #1: Plan Type

Plan Type

Griffin Elementary School is a located in Cooper City.  We house 4 ASD Cluster classrooms K-5th grade, 2 Specialized pre-school classrooms.    This year, Griffin Elementary has 620 students, 41% are students with disabilities; 38% are students on free and reduced lunch; and 7.23% are ELL students. 
The data used for this plan is based on the Chronic Absenteeism School Summary Report 2015-2016 from Data Warehouse.  According to this information, the chronic absentee rate for 15-16 was 1.58%, with 0.0% of the students had excessive absences (21 days or more).  The highest rate for absentism was in 1st Grade (11.96%), followed by 3rd Grade 11.70% and then 5th Grade 10.8%. Kindergarten showed a big improvement from lst year from 12.6% to 3.92%. 

School Goal
By June 9, 2017 the number of chronic absentism will decrease from 1.58% ( 9 out of 569)  to 0.70% ( 4 out of 569), excessive absenses will be maintained at 0% as indicated by the Comprehensive Attendance Plan from the Data Warehouse.
We will also work on decreasing Tardiness and Early Sign Outs by 10% by June 9, 2017.
Members of the Attendance Team: 
Mrs. Moodliyar-Jones, Ms. Novack, Mrs. Cuesta-Velez, Ms. Thrower.
Mrs. Velez will generate monthly attendance reports and review it with Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones with review data and interventions quarterly with the Attendance Team. 




2: Section #2: Purpose of Plan/Projection

Purpose of Plan:

The first plan type our school will implement is a Notification Plan.  The plan will use a tiered series of notifications for students who are missing an increasing number of days.  A variety of communications will be used to notify parents of student absence, that is, letters, phone calls and home visits by the Social worker
The second plan type our school will implement is a Prevention Plan.  The school will provide parents and families with information in regards to attendance policies during Open House, stakeholder meetings, and the school's website.  In addition, a School-Wide incentive plan will be developed to celebrate students who have perfect attendance quartely at our Honor Roll Ceremony. Wristbands, certificates and/or pencils are given to the students for perfect attendance with 0-2 tardies.
We will monitor our progress towards meeting these goals by evaluating the data retrieved from Data Warehouse.  Data will be retrieved monthly and evaluated by Administration and the Attendance/Discipline Focus group.
 Phone calls will be made and letters will be sent out by the school as the need arises.
We plan to increase parental awareness about the importance of school attendance/arriving on-time and provide resources/support to parents in need. 




2: Section #3: Strategies to be implemented

Unexcused Absences

Griffin Elementary School follows the District Attendance Policy 5.5 and Student Code of Conduct.  Teachers take attendance daily in their classroom using Pinnacle.  The IMT will directly input and tardy and/or Early Release minutes.  The IMT will record all excused absences. 
Attendance policy will be included in student’s agenda and will be reviewed with students at the start of the school year.  All faculty and staff will review the attendance plan at the beginning of the school year.
Parents will receive a copy of the policy at the start of the school year. Parents and students will be asked to sign and return the statement indicating that they have read and understand the policy.  Parents are reminded about the importance of having their child(ren) in school every day in via school newsletters, Parent Link, and during parent nights.  

Guidance Counselor and Social Worker will provide counseling to students and parents to discuss strategies to improve student attendance.
Adoption of a tiered series of notification for students who are missing increasing number of school days. The school will use a varirty of communication measures to connect with the parents.
  • 3 days - Phone call home from the school and/or letter from the school will be sent home
  • 5 days- Letter to the parents will be generated from the state and sent to the parent. Parent has to report to school for a BTIP meeting. Attendance contract is signed. The attendance policy will be explained to parents.
  • 10 days- A Letter will be sent to parents from the county. Parent have to report to Broward County Truancy Court fro mediation to explain absences to a truancy team
  • If parents cannot be reached, the School Social Worker will conduct a home visit. 


Excessive Excused Absences
(5 or more in a single month)

If a student is absent for more than three (3) consecutive days, the teacher will initiate parent contact through telephone calls, notes home, and teacher conferences.
Administration will follow up with the parents after 5 days of excused absences in a semester.  Attendance policy and the BTIP process will be explained and parent will be requested to sign an attendance agreement.  In addition, Administration will advise parents that in accordance with Florida statute, School Board Policy 5.5 and the Broward County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct, schools have a legal right to require a written medical excuse.  
Griffin Elementary School will use the Medical Excuse Letter, and/or Medical Verification letter if necessary. 
If absences are due a medical condition- referral to SSW and CPST to determine need for additional interventions (504 plan, Hospital Homebound).  



Students need to be in the building by 7:55 a.m.  Students are marked tardy if they are not in their classroom by the 8:00 a.m. bell.  At 8:00 a.m. students enter through the front office to secure a tardy pass, which documents the arrival time.  Teachers mark tardy times up till 8:15 AM, thereafter the IMT enters the student’s tardy minutes into Pinnacle.  Tardy letters will be generated to the parent if the child receives 5 or more during a 9 week period. 
If students are tardy more than 10 days in a 9 week period, IMT will initiate a request for address verification to ensure that students are attending their appropriate boundary school.
Excessive tardiness will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine if there is a pattern 


Excessive Early Sign Out

Students are not permitted to be signed out after 1:30 p.m., unless approved by administration.  Signs are strategically posted stating “School Board Policy: No Early Sign Outs after 1:30 p.m.
Excessive early sign-outs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis to determine if there is a pattern of non-attendance.  


Pattern of Non-Attendance
(Combinaton of the 4 previews strategies)

If a pattern of non-attendance is developing, whether the absences are excused or not, administration will schedule a meeting with the parent to identify potential remedies.   Administration will also discuss Attendance policy and the BTIP process and parent will be requested to sign an attendance agreement if they have not already signed. 
Administration will mention to the parent the statistics about how missing 10% of school contributes to your child being behind in their work, confused at school and sometimes behind a whole reading level.
Griffin Elementary School will use the Medical Excuse Letter, and/or Medical Verification letter to determine the need for additional referrals for assistance by school counselor, SSW and or other agency. 
Students may also be referred to RTI team to determine if absences are due a medical condition and if a 504 plan or Hospital Homebound if warranted.  


Chronic Absenteeism

On the elementary level, initial truancy interventions are provided by the CPST, or by the school at the 5-day BTIP meeting.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) are notified via letter from the State Attorney to meet with BTIP designee/Administration regarding non-compliance with attendance policy 5.5.  Administration, School Social Worker and parent(s)/guardian(s) discuss reasons for non-attendance.   A plan of action will be developed, and an attendance agreement will be signed.   Non-compliance after the plan has been developed will result in charges being filed with the State Attorney’s office.
If students are on a "reassignment", their reassignment may also be revoked and the parent will need to register their child at his/her home school.