Select School Year

Schoolwide Attendance Plan

School Name

Atlantic West ES (2511)

School Year

2016 - 2017



Data for 2015 - 2016 (Last year)



Chronic Absenteeism
(10% or More Days)

Excessive Absences
(21 Days or More)

Grade Level

Total Number
















































Purpose of Plan

  1. Describe where the school is currently, using quantitative data. Include other data if needed, cite the source of the data, (e.g. Data Warehouse)

  2. Describe where the school wants to be (use precise data points), be specific and simply state what you plan to do, using the SMART guidelines in writing your goal statement.

    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Attainable/Achievable
    • Results-focused, and
    • Time-bound.


Strategies To Be Implemented

Describe each strategy and include benchmarks/data points per quarter.

2: Section #1: Plan Type

Plan Type

By June 2017, the number of students who are chronically absent will be reduced by  5% during the 15-16 school year as measured by the published attendance reports.  Additionally, the HERO program can provide additional reports.

Strategy 1: Accurate attendance taken daily by classroom teachers

Strategy 2: Office staff will call parents of students with 3 or more unexcused absences. A record of calls for unexcused absences will be kept. Teachers will call students who have been absent for three days to determine why the student has been absent. 

Strategy 3: Excessive Excused Absences - Student absences will be monitored by each teacher. When the student misses 5 days the teacher will make contact with the parent through an interim report or phone call/email/text. The teacher will also contact the AP to discuss RTI for this student.

Strategy 4: The AP and social worker provide support to parents and remind them of school compulsary attendance law.

Strategy 5: Parents must sign students in once the 8:00am bell has rung. Signs are placed outside of school reminding parents of when they are late and thanking them when they are on time.

Strategy 6: At the beginning of the year and again in January, we will hold a campaign supporting the importance of being "on time" for school and daily attendance.
The PBSS Grant has provided technology support to track tardies. Students are identified and marked in the "HERO" system. Reports are generated and students with excessive tardies are identified.

Strategy 7: Excessive Early Sign Outs.
Excessive Early Sign out will be monitored through the HERO system.
Parents with more than 5  early sign outs in a month will receive a letter reminding them of the importance of time in class and that early sign out minutes can add up to an absence. (Unless there is a medical reason for the early sign outs)

Strategy 8: Pattern of Non attendance-  TheAP and the BTIP clerk will use the HERO system and Pinnacle to monitor and follow up with parents on  unexcused absences, excessive absences (18 days in a year, 5 in a quarter), tardies and early signouts.  AP will work with the social worker to analyze the data for trends and common excuses  to find additional ways to break the cycle of non attendance and tardies.

Strategy 9: The AP and social worker will review all students who had more than 10 absences during the last year. Each child's attendance record for this year will be analyzed to see if the trend continues. If the trend looks like the student will once again be chronically absent, the AP, social worker, and the SRO will meet with the parent to work on solutions to the problem. For students in gr 3 and above, if the student is part of the problem they will be included in the meeting listed above.
Strategy 10: Attendance report data for the 61 students listed in the chart above will be identified and compared to current attendance data . Each month the data on absenteeism will be reviewed by the BTIP clerk and the AP. A social worker referral will be completed on any students who are on the list of chronically absent, or who appear to be moving in that direction. This student data will be monitored weekly for early intervention.

Strategy 11: Incentives: 
Additionally, students with 100% attendance for the quarter will be recognized and rewarded at Honor Roll Assembly for grades 3-5 and on the morning announcements for K-2. Students who show improvement in attendance will be recognized by participating in lunch with the SRO.



2: Section #2: Purpose of Plan/Projection

Purpose of Plan:

The purpose of the plan is to decrease absenteeism and tardinees, educate parents and students of the importance and impact of daily school attendance.



2: Section #3: Strategies to be implemented

Unexcused Absences

The plan is for an office staff member to call parents of students who are unexcused to find out why they are absent and to remind them to call in the absence.
Reminders will be placed in the newsletter to call in absences.
Office staff will call parents of students with 3 or more unexcused absences. A record of calls for unexcused absences will be kept. 


Excessive Excused Absences
(5 or more in a single month)

Student absences will be monitored by each teacher. When the student misses 5 days the teacher will make contact with the parent through an interim.

The teacher will also contact the AP to discuss RTI for this student. The Assistant Principal will work with the social worker to reach out and support the parents. 



Parents must sign students in once the 8:00am bell has rung. Signs are placed outside of school reminding parents of when they are late and thanking them when they are on time.
At the beginning of the year and again in January, we will hold a campaign supporting the importance of on time attendance.
The PBSS Grant has provided technology support to track tardies. Students are identified and marked in the "HERO" system. Reports are generated and students with excessive tardies are identified.

On a monthly basis the assistant principal and the BTIP clerk will review the reports and send home letters to students who are tardy 5 or more times in the month.


Excessive Early Sign Out

Excessive Early Sign out will be monitored through the HERO system.
Parents with more than 5  early sign outs in a month will receive a letter reminding them of the importance of time in class and that early sign out minutes can add up to an absence.


Pattern of Non-Attendance
(Combinaton of the 4 previews strategies)

Use the Optischool reports on a weekly basis to identify students who need targeted intervention.

As with the above strategies, the key will be to monitor student attendance. The AP and the BTIP clerk will use the HERO system and Pinnacle to monitor and follow up with parents on  unexcused absences, excessive absences (18 days in a year, 5 in a quarter), tardies and early signouts. During the process of monitoring, the Assistant Principal will also work with the social worker to analyze the data for trends and common excuses in order to find additional ways to break the cycle of non attendance and tardies.


Chronic Absenteeism

Attendance report data for the 47 students listed in the chart above will be identified and compared to current attendance data . Each month the data on absenteeism will be reviewed by the BTIP clerk and the AP. A social worker referral will be completed on any students who are on the list of chronically absent, or who appear to be moving in that direction. This student data will be monitored weekly for early intervention.

The AP and social worker will review all students who had more than 10 absences during the last year. Each child's attendance record for this year will be analyzed to see if the trend continues. If the trend looks like the student will once again be chronically absent, the AP, social worker and the SRO will meet wtih the parent to work on solutions to the problem. For students in gr 3 and above, if the student is part of the problem they will be included in the meeting listed above.
Students who show improvement in attendance will be recognized by participating in lunch with the SRO.