Welcome! View the BCPS Three-Year Strategic Plan

Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is the sixth largest and the largest fully accredited K-12 and adult school system in the country. We lead the nation in the number of National Board Certified Teachers. We appreciate your interest in seeking employment with BCPS. We are looking for bright, motivated, and dedicated teachers/instructional support employees who are prepared to provide inspirational leadership to children in their classroom and to raise achievement levels for every student. Our website will provide you with information on job opportunities, teaching requirements, salary schedules and much more. Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


For inquiries regarding employment and income verification, please contact
Employment Services (formerly the Personnel Records Department) at (754) 321-0100.


Talent Acquisition & Operations

Find a Job with Broward County Public Schools Quick Links
View Our Application Procedures

Looking for Employment?

We appreciate your interest in seeking employment with us. BCPS is looking for team players who are motivated and dedicated to making our District the best it can be! Please click on the links below to get information on available opportunities and how to apply.
» Talent Acquision & Ops - Instructional
» Talent Acquision & Ops - Non-Instructional