The Broward County Public School's Special Investigative Unit (SIU) School Safety Coordinator is extensively involved in gang prevention and related public safety activities. By working together we can make sure that Broward County Public Schools remains at the forefront of preventing gang crime and the influence of gangs on our children. Parents, family members and entire communities are the number one defense against a child becoming a part of a gang or choosing to participate in gang-like activities.
School gang training and awareness must go beyond colors and identifiers, and focus on community-wide, organizational and individual strategies for school and community gang prevention, intervention, and enforcement.
The School Safety Coordinator also provides school safety services and trainings to students, parents, district employees and community members on topics such as Silence Hurts, bullying, and school violence. Additionally, the Coordinator collaborates with administration to facilitate emergency drills, assist with school safety plans, and are available to conduct site assessments to help improve the safety and security of every campus. |