School Name

South Plantation HS (2351)

School Year

2018 - 2019



Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Professional development and coaching provided to staff

Why is it occuring?

Inconsistency amoung individual and content groups on data-based problem solving and multi-tiered instruction and intervention.

What are we going to do about it?

Provide group PD with modeling during planning periods on data-based problem solving and multitiered instruciton and intervention.  

Action Plan

Provide group PD with modeling during planning periods on data-based problem solving and multitiered instruciton and intervention.  
Conduct Individual and Group Administrative Walthroughs.
Conduct indivdual and Group data Chats on findings.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Administrative Group Walk Throughs
Group discussion on findings during PD Sessions.
Individual discussion during individual data chats.

Person(s) Responsible

Administrative Team

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Student progress specific to academic or behavior goals are monitored

Why is it occuring?

Greater need for implementation of succesful teacher and school wide strategies for data-based problem solving for student outcomes.

What are we going to do about it?

Increase PD for student strategies.
Raise expectations for indivdual teachers on creating feedback for student strategies, goals and outcomes.  

Action Plan

Provide PD on completing feedback forms on student academic and social strategies.
Include frequencey checks on completion of feedback forms in BASIS.
Standardize data chat forms.
Celebrate BEST Practices.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Monitor Implementation standard data chat practices between students and teachers to ensure quarterly chats are occurring.
Montitor percentage of submitted teacher forms through BASIS.


Person(s) Responsible

Administrative Team

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Data-Based Problem-Solving

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
data-chat.pdf Ron Reed 10/17/2018
SPHS-PD-Sessions-2018-19.docx Ron Reed 10/17/2018