Title I Plan

School Name

Forest Hills ES (2631)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Title I Requirements

COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT of the entire school (including the needs of migrant children) with information about the academic achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards.
Describe the process utilized to conduct the comprehensive needs assessment for this school.

Prior to the beginning of the school year, the staff gathered to assess student achievement data including FSA results in order to develop a comprehensive plan for improvement. As part of this process, parents were invited to review data via SAC and PTO and were invited to be a part of the process. The parental involvement plan was developed as part of this process as well. Forest Hills Elementary has a diverse population of students with individualized needs. ELL, SWD, migrant, socioeconomic needs and other socio-emotional factors were considered while developing an action plan.

Instruction by HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS in all core content area classes
List instructional staff and paraprofessionals that are NOT highly qualified (instructional staff only).

All staff are highly qualified.

Describe strategies that will be used to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers.

The strategies that Forest Hills Elementary employs to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers is attending countywide job fairs, networking with local colleges that have teacher education programs, posting FHE happenings on social media, school events on Broward Schools website, and looking at qualified applicants that have applied to the posted positions and retaining an in-house database of those applicants for future reference. Forest Hills is a grant recipient of the Children's Literacy Initiative Grant which provides coaching to all Forest Hills staff members in their respective roles. This is an excellent way for new hires to become acclimated to their new roles. In addition to coaching, FHE is AdvancED Accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council and home of the Junior Quantum Leap Innovative Program for highly achieving students.  Forest Hills has been recognized by The National Wildlife Federation as a Certified Wildlife Habitat which is actively maintained by students in the Planeteers Club. These are all strategies that are used to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers.


ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS - Coordination and Integration

Title I, Part A
Title I funds provide additional teachers to assist students, particularly low performing students.

Title I funds staff development dollars are used to provide pertinent training to faculty in order to provide a quality education for all students. Trainings are aligned with Florida Standards. In addition, Title I parental involvement allotted funds are utilized to strengthen the school to home communication by providing student planners which serve as a means of daily communication.

Title I, Part C- Migrant
(Migrant-Title I schools have been advised if Migrant students attend their school)

We do not have any migrant students, and do not have this program at Forest Hills Elementary. If we were to have migrant students we would collaborate with the community agencies  to ensure that needed services such as health and nutrition are provided. Remediation and tutoring services will be provided as needed.


Title I, Part D
Neglected and Delinquent

Students in need will be provided with assistance through our social services department.

Title II
(District professional development)

Forest Hills Elementary teachers attend district professional development and are encouraged to share information with the rest of the staff in order to maximize the benefits of the training.​

Title III

ESOL funds have provided Forest Hills Elementary with a full time teacher assistant. The teacher assistance assists ELL students regularly in order to bridge the gap.


Title X- Homeless
(Homeless- All Title I schools may complete with this statement)

Forest Hills has a homeless contact which assists the staff in removing barriers to allow these students to recieve a quality education, as well as different types of assistance.

Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI)

SAI funds are used to provide student extended learning opportunities aligned to Florida Standards

Violence Prevention Programs

​Forest Hills implements the district's Student Code of Conduct and follows the Discipline Matrix.  The school enforces the district's Anti-Bullying policy, and all staff members are trained.  The guidance counselor offers programs to include conflict mediation, and anti-bullying.  She also works with outside agencies to provide student/family counseling as needed.

Nutrition Programs

We do not have this program at Forest Hills Elementary.  In years past we did have the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program, however, this year we were not selected.


Housing Programs

We do not have this program at Forest Hills Elementary.  We often get our social worker involved if there are housing issues. 

Head Start

We do not have this program at Forest Hills Elementary, however, we currently have 7 E.S.E. Pre-K classes, and 2 V.P.K. classes, however, there are currently no Head Start classes.

Adult Education

Forest Hills has parent nights every other month to review with parents how they can help their child at home.

Career and Technical Education

Forest Hills' annual Career Day allows students to interact with members of the community, and see how adventurous some professions can be. Career Day is always a fun-filled learning experience for the whole school.

Job Training

Forest Hills continuously hosts staff and district trainings to learn more about current trends, policies, and shifts in curriculum.


Forest Hills is home to both the Jr. Quantum Leap Program (at each grade level)and the Dual Language Program (in Kindregarten and First Grade).


Pre-School Transition

Pre-School Transition

Forest Hills Elementary works with neighboring preschools to help with the transition. Neighboring preschools visit kindergarten classrooms in preparation for matriculation. The school also has four preschool classrooms that focus on transitioning through exposure to the kindergarten day throughout the school year. Forest Hills staff also invite parents of preschool students to parent education workshops.



Parent Involvement Goal:
Based on the analysis of the parent involvement data, identify and define an area in need of improvement.

By June 2019, Forest Hills Elementary will increase it's parental involvement by 10% (from 345 to 380).


2017 - 2018 Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who participated in parent involvement activities. [i.e., Use documentation from sign in sheets]

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


2018 - 2019 Expected Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who are expected to participate in parent involvement activities for this year.

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES (Aligned to School-Level Parent Involvement Plan)


Strategies & Activities to Increase Student Achievement

Start/End Date

Evaluation Tool

Person or Position Responsible for Coordinating/Monitoring

Amount/Funding Source

Activity: Student incentives for the top classes in each grade level with the highest number of PTO memberships.

Afterschool ELO Camps to tutor students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in ELA, Mathematics, and Science.
Cross-Curricular specials that integrate ELA, Mathematics, and Science into Music, P.E. and Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (S.T.E.M) 

5/10/2019 - 5/10/2019

FSA Learning Gains and total points earned towards school letter grade

Barbara Rothman (Principal), Derrick Huff (Assistant Principal), Mary Ann Sforza (Instructional Coach)

$55,000/General Budget

Title I Parent Seminar

Parents will have the opportunity to participate in the District Seminar. Parents will be able to learn strategies to assist their children at home. In addition, Parents will also have the opportunity to listen to guest speakers and collaborate with other parents to increase their knowledge

12/10/2018 - 12/10/2018

Parent Survey

Title I Liaison

$120.00/Title I

Parent and Family Nights

Refereshments for families participating in content focused activities aligned to grade level standards.


8/30/2018 - 8/30/2018

Parent Survey/Evaluation

Title I Liaison

$539.00/Title I


Professional Development/ELO Activities

Provide detailed information to support activities such as teacher salaries, stipends, materials and supplies

Funding Source

*Entire Title I Professional Development allocation must be reflected here

Activity #1: Professional Development through Children's Literacy Initiative
Activity #2: ELO Camps for students falling in the lowest 25%.

Description of Activity #1: Complete year 3 of the Children's Literacy Initiative grant by providing teachers with the necessary professional development needed to strengthen skills and help students maximize their literacy potential.

Description of Activity #2: ELO Camps provide one-hour of tutoring, 3 days per week, for students in grades 3, 4, and 5. The target population are students that have been identified as being in the lowest 25% academically. These tutoring sessions are provided by teachers assigned to grades 3 for third graders, teachers assigned to grade 4 for fourth graders, and teachers assigned to grade 5 for fifth graders. The sessions occur immediately following regular student dismissal.

CLI Grant/General Budget


Extended Learning Activities

Afterschool ELO Camps to tutor students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in ELA, Mathematics, and Science.


Title I


Professional Devlopment Training for teachers.

Staff development and curriculum planning ongoing throughout the school year.

Title I
