Title I Plan

School Name

Boulevard Heights ES (0971)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Title I Requirements

COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT of the entire school (including the needs of migrant children) with information about the academic achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards.
Describe the process utilized to conduct the comprehensive needs assessment for this school.

Boulevard Heights Elementary School is a PK-5 school which also houses Headstart, Specialized Pre-K, and Complex Pre-K.
In order to plan for the needs of the students, a committee of administrators and teachers meet at the end of the school year and, again, at the beginning of the school year to review achievement data and make programming decisions.  The data is disaggregated in order to identify patterns and trends amongst our subgroups, including ELL , ESE, and Free/Reduced Lunch.  Tables and graphs are created in order to analyze the data at the school, grade, teacher, and student level.
As part of the continuous improvement model, the leadership team which consists of administration, support staff, and grade level chairpersons, along with teachers, meet periodically to review ongoing data and make adjustments in student programming as needed.

The following data reflect the percent of students who met FSA proficiency criteria at grades 3, 4, and 5.
ELA: 55%
Math: 60%
Science: 51%

Instruction by HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS in all core content area classes
List instructional staff and paraprofessionals that are NOT highly qualified (instructional staff only).

98% of core content area instructional staff and 100% of paraprofessionals meet the requirements for "Highly Qualified" Status.

Describe strategies that will be used to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers.

Boulevard Heights Elementary School works together with the district's Human Resource Department to attract and secure highly qualified teachers through a comprehensive interview process that includes ensuring appropriate certification.  Teachers are supported as they grow professionally by utilizing the Teacher Induction for Effectiveness and Retention (TIER), Professional Learning Communities (PLC's), support from Instructional Resource Leaders (Literacy Coach, Math Resource, ESE Department, ESOL Liaison, etc...), District trainings offered by District Personnel and in-school staff development supports ongoing professional growth.  Other school-based personnel including the guidance counselor, social worker, and psychologist provide academic and behavioral resources to support the teachers' efforts. 
In order to promote a positive workplace environment, Boulevard Heights maintains an active social committee.  The administration also
recognizes and celebrates the successes of instructional staff and paraprofessionals through the teacher and paraprofessional of the month program.


ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS - Coordination and Integration

Title I, Part A
Title I funds provide additional teachers to assist students, particularly low performing students.

Boulevard Heights Elementary used Title 1 Staff Development funds to provide professional training to improve the delivery of instruction.
Such trainings include Marzano based practices, The Daily 5 structure for delivery of literacy instruction, and Common Core.
Monies from the Title 1 budget item are used for substitute teachers, teacher salaries for staff development that takes place after school, and for materials.
Title 1 Parental Involvement funds are utilized to support academic parent nights that provide parents with skills to support student learning.
Boulevard Heights has planned for activities such as Family Literacy Night, Writing Night, Math Night, Technology Night, and Science Night.  Monies from this Title 1 budget item are used to purchase refreshments, pay salaries of teacher presenters, and pay stipends for paraprofessionals.

Title I, Part C- Migrant
(Migrant-Title I schools have been advised if Migrant students attend their school)

If migrant students register at our school, collaboration with community agencies will take place to ensure that needed services such as health and nutrition are provided. Services such as remediation and tutoring  will be provided as needed.

Title I, Part D
Neglected and Delinquent

Students identified as neglected and/or delinquent will be connected to a school social worker through the Student Services Department who will provide the needed support and community resources available to them.

Title II
(District professional development)

Instructional staff at our school participate in district-developed workshops aligned to Florida State Standards training.

Title III

ELL students receive reading and developmental language arts instruction by a certified ESOL teacher. The Multicultural department provides ESOL materials.  A Title III Paraprofessional provides support to students, teachers, and parents.

Title X- Homeless
(Homeless- All Title I schools may complete with this statement)

Teachers and staff members at Boulevard Heights  are responsible for helping to identify homeless students and referring them to the district's Homeless Education program. The purpose of the Homeless Education Program is to identify homeless students, remove barriers to their education, including school enrollment, provide them with supplemental academic and counseling case management services as well as linkages to their school social worker while maintaining school as the students stable environment.

Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI)

Additional teacher support during the school day to assist with low performing students

Violence Prevention Programs

Boulevard Heights Elementary implements the County Student Code of Conduct and follows the District Discipline Matrix. We enforce the District’s Anti-Bullying Policy and we have a zero tolerance for bullying and violence. Bullying prevention programs are supported through Conflict Mediation programs, guest speakers, and student assemblies.
Our school promotes a violence prevention culture through classroom instruction in anger management, conflict resolution bullying prevention, and the Broward County adopted character traits.

Nutrition Programs

Nutritional programs and health education are an integral part of our Unified Arts Program.

Housing Programs

Referrals to school social worker and guidance counselor are made for parents in need of housing or shelter.

Head Start

1 Head Start Class- To ensure school readiness, the Head Start Program provides literacy, math, and science curricula that align with the K-3 national standards to improve educational outcomes. This connection between curricula and child expectations has contributed to better prepare students to succeed in Kindergarten. An end of the year Teaching Strategies Gold report, detailing students’ ongoing assessment, is placed in the students’ cumulative folder to familiarize kindergarten teachers with the HS students’ progress in the program.
The Head Start Program ensures a smooth transition to kindergarten by specifying the necessary enrollment processes and timelines to all families participating in the program. The HS family services support team and the HS teachers provide ongoing guidance to the HS families by indicating the students’ corresponding home school, immunization requirements, and dates scheduled for Kindergarten Roundup events

Adult Education

Parents and other adults of the community requesting ESOL, GED, or other continuing education programs are referred to the district's community school for services.

Career and Technical Education

Our fifth grade classes participate in  Junior Achievement (JA Biz town) to provide students in career awareness in areas of engineering, science, technology, and math.

Job Training

Fifth graders participate in an annual trip to Junior Achievement (JA) Finance Park to experience different career fields.



Pre-School Transition

Pre-School Transition

In the spring, community day care facilities and incoming kindergarten families are invited to a Kindergarten roundup/orientation for the following school year. Information is posted on the school's website and flyers are sent to all community day care facilities and incoming kindergarten families.  All attending receive an overview of all programs offered at BHE, a tour of the facilities and classrooms, and reading and math readiness materials that parents can use with their children during the summer months.
 To ensure school readiness, the Head Start (HS) Program has implemented a new literacy, math, and science curricula in the 119 HS classrooms. The program has aligned the literacy and math standards with the K-3 national standards to improve educational outcomes. This transparent connection between curricula and child expectations has contributed to better prepare students to succeed in kindergarten. An end of the year Creative Curriculum Continuum report, detailing students’ ongoing assessment, is placed in the students’cumulative folder to familiarize kindergarten teachers with the HS students’ progress in the program. Regarding the logistics of registering students at the elementary schools, the Head Start Program ensures a smooth transition to kindergarten by clearly specifying the necessary enrollment processes and timelines to all families participating in the program. The HS family services support team and the HS teachers provide ongoing guidance to the HS families by indicating the students’ corresponding home school, immunization requirements, and dates scheduled for kindergarten roundup at those schools.
Parents and kindergarten students are invited to a kindergarten orientation a few days before
before the beginning of the school year. Students get to see their class with their parents and meet their teacher and review first day/week procedures.



Parent Involvement Goal:
Based on the analysis of the parent involvement data, identify and define an area in need of improvement.

Parents need to participate in activities that inform them of grade level expectations and Florida Standards and assessment criteria.


2017 - 2018 Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who participated in parent involvement activities. [i.e., Use documentation from sign in sheets]

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians

2018 - 2019 Expected Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who are expected to participate in parent involvement activities for this year.

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians

PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES (Aligned to School-Level Parent Involvement Plan)


Strategies & Activities to Increase Student Achievement

Start/End Date

Evaluation Tool

Person or Position Responsible for Coordinating/Monitoring

Amount/Funding Source

Family Literacy Night
Parent Florida Standards Information Night
Family Writing Night
Family STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) Night
Parent Promotion Information Night

-Parents will be provided with Florida Standards, information and grade specific instructional strategies, and
  resources that they can use at home to support student achievement
-Parents will be provided with information regarding Standards based curriculum,Vertical Alignment of Florida
 Standards K-5, promotion criteria, and the Florida Standards Assessments.
-Parents and Students will be provided with resources in the areas of narrative, opinion, and informational writing
 that will help them support their children’s writing development.
-Parents and Students will be provided with information, ideas, and resources that will help them support their
 children in the areas of Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Science.
-Parents will be provided grade specific Promotion Criteria information and instructional strategies to prepare
 students for subsequent grade levels.

2/20/2019 - 2/20/2019


Literacy Coach/ Liaison, Teachers

$3,225 / Title 1


Professional Development/ELO Activities

Provide detailed information to support activities such as teacher salaries, stipends, materials and supplies

Funding Source

*Entire Title I Professional Development allocation must be reflected here

RtI (Remediation and Intervention Process)
Literacy Trainings for teachers:  Balanced Literacy, Guided Reading
Thinking Maps Training
Data Analysis Training
Working with At Risk ESE, and ESOL students
FSA Camp (After School Tutoring)

-Supporting teachers with Intervention and Remediation Strategies using MTSS resources (LLI, Fundations, Touch Math, etc.) in
 order to provide differentiated, targeted instruction that impacts student performance.
-Train teachers in the RTI process, implementation of IEP’s, ESOL/WIDA strtegies, and communicating with parents in order to
 increase student learning.
-Provide professional development and support for teachers to implement effective balanced literacy strategies, in order to promote
  student engagement and ownership using the optimal learning model of instruction.
-Train teachers to infuse Thinking Maps to orgainze thinking skills processes in all instrutional areas.
-iReady professional development  for teachers to analyze data reports and target instruction using LAFS books and resources for
 blended lessons.
-Train teachers to effectively understand data and use it to drive instruction and communicate progress to parents in order to
  increase student learning.
-Promoting due diligence with At risk populations by monitoring teacher integragtion of WIDA strategies (ESOL) and IEP (ESE)
-FSA resources for test taking strategies and teacher training to establish instructional focus for after school tutoring sessions (FSA

Title 1
