Title I Plan

School Name

Driftwood MS (0861)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Title I Requirements

COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT of the entire school (including the needs of migrant children) with information about the academic achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards.
Describe the process utilized to conduct the comprehensive needs assessment for this school.

Driftwood Middle School used data from the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA), Broward Assessment of Florida Skills (BAFS), FAIR, diagnostic assessments and previous End of Year (EOY), End of Course (EOC), and diagnostic assessments to develop school improvement strategies and goals for teacher instruction as it pertains to the needs of their individual students.  This comprehensive needs assessment includes achievement data in all core subject areas involving subgroups of race, gender, economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, English language learners and students within the lowest 25th percentile.  The data is used to determine subject and grade level specific objectives and a comprehensive school wide academic plan.

Instruction by HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS in all core content area classes
List instructional staff and paraprofessionals that are NOT highly qualified (instructional staff only).

All staff are highly qualified at this time.

Describe strategies that will be used to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers.

Driftwood engages in a systematic process of recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers and other professionals.  Specialized marketing and recruitment strategies are in place to attract highly qualified candidates such as attending job fairs and working collaboratively with local colleges to attract prospective candidates. Additionally, school based jobs are posted to the district website and new teachers participate in the mentoring program NESS. Teachers at Driftwood are afforded on-going school based professional development opportunities through professional learning communities and lesson study. Teachers are encouraged to take classes at the district and state level to enhance professional growth.


ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS - Coordination and Integration

Title I, Part A
Title I funds provide additional teachers to assist students, particularly low performing students.

Title I funds at Driftwood Middle School provide additional teachers to assist students, particularly low performing students. Staff Development funds are used to develop a comprehensive professional training program to improve delivery of instruction through a variety of workshops designed to move teachers to mastery and improve student achievement. Parental Involvement Funds are utilized to ensure parent engagement initiatives are met. This includes, but is not limited to, the purchase of student agenda books for every student to promote communication between school and families, and to aid in Title I Parent Curriculum Night functions throughout to the school year.

Title I, Part C- Migrant
(Migrant-Title I schools have been advised if Migrant students attend their school)

Driftwood uses the referral process to contact the school social worker in the case of student needing services through the Migrant Education Program.  The guidance department also participates in the process of providing students with resources to address their specific needs. At this time, DWMS does not have any students that meet the qualifications of the Migrant Program.

Title I, Part D
Neglected and Delinquent

Students identified as neglected and/or delinquent are referred to the school guidance department and social worker who offer support services  and provide other community resources that meet the specific needs of this population. 

Title II
(District professional development)

Teachers participate in professional development linked to improved student achievement in the Florida State Standards. Driftwood Middle School teachers regularly attend county-wide curriculum trainings.  Curricular trainings are suggested and referred by department chairs, county personnel, and department administrators.

Title III

English Language Learning (ELL) students receive specialized instruction in reading and developmental language arts by a certified teacher. Students are supported in content classes by certified teachers using a variety of ESOL strategies in the classroom. The school receives supplemental curriculum materials to aid in the instruction of ELL students.

Title X- Homeless
(Homeless- All Title I schools may complete with this statement)

Teachers and staff members are responsible for helping to identify homeless students and referring them to the Homeless Education program offered by the district. The purpose of the Homeless Education Program is to identify homeless students, remove barriers to their education, including school enrollment, provide them with supplemental academic and counseling case management services as well as linkages to their school social worker while maintaining school as the student’s stable environment.

Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI)

SAI or Extended Learning Opportunity (ELO) funds are used to provide tutoring and intensive instruction for students experiencing deficiencies in Reading, Math, Science and Writing.  The targeted populations are those subgroups that did not meet proficiency on the previous year’s state exam (FSA). The funds are used to provide additional support during the school day and to purchase ancillary materials used in the pull out classes.

Violence Prevention Programs

Driftwood participates in the districts Anti-bullying program and staff training.  At the beginning of the school year, teachers and students are provided with skills on how to identify and report bullying situations.  Both teachers and students are required to view a video on recognizing bullying and participate in follow up classroom activities related to the bullying and nonviolence subject matter. Students are provided with resources in which report bullying without fear of consequence including a bully box located in the schools media center and access to an anonymous tip hotline.

Nutrition Programs

As a Health and Wellness academy, Driftwood Middle is committed to offering nutritional choices in the school cafeteria. Driftwood is a Healthy Generation Alliance School and has a partnership with the Florida Department of Agriculture which provides students with healthy meal choices as a part of the Fresh for Florida Kids program (FFVP). Students are offered healthy meal alternatives during regular school hours for both breakfast and lunch.

Housing Programs

Referrals are made to the school social worker, when parents are in need of housing or food.  Additionally, the front office staff takes note of families expressing a need and passes this information on to administration and/or the guidance counselor. Currently we do not have a population that needs this service.

Head Start

Driftwood Middle School currently does not have this program.

Adult Education

Driftwood Middle School currently does not have this program.

Career and Technical Education

Driftwood Middle will ensure students receive Career and Technical Education through the full implementation of Broward County's Civics/Social Studies curriculum for seventh grade students. The Civics curriculum includes career information components. The eighth grade Social Studies curriculum then supports the seventh grade curriculum with the culmination of a field trip to Junior Achievement World. Junior Achievement World is a center that provides students with real-world, hands-on exposure to various careers, financial wellness, entrepreneurship, and living/coping skills. The center is designed to aid students in gaining a broad view of career opportunities and financial wellness that will enable them to be successful in the global marketplace.

Job Training

Driftwood Middle School currently does not have this program.




Pre-School Transition

Pre-School Transition

Driftwood Middle School currently does not have this program.



Parent Involvement Goal:
Based on the analysis of the parent involvement data, identify and define an area in need of improvement.

Parental involvement is key to student learning. In addition to the annual Open House in the fall, Driftwood developed and implemented 6 parent curriculum nights by department.  Driftwood also offers a Magnet showcase for students and parents of incoming 6th graders and out of boundary elementary schools.   The goal is to continuously increase opportunities for the school community and parents to engage in the school setting in support of student’s academics and their social emotional wellbeing. Our goal is to increase parental involvement by at least 5% (approximately 50 more parents than last year).


2017 - 2018 Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who participated in parent involvement activities. [i.e., Use documentation from sign in sheets]

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


2018 - 2019 Expected Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who are expected to participate in parent involvement activities for this year.

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES (Aligned to School-Level Parent Involvement Plan)


Strategies & Activities to Increase Student Achievement

Start/End Date

Evaluation Tool

Person or Position Responsible for Coordinating/Monitoring

Amount/Funding Source

Family Curriculum Nights

DMS will engage stakeholders by scheduling/hosting family nights based on different curricular areas

6/4/2019 - 6/4/2019

Parent Survey/Evaluation/Sign In Sheets

Administration, Department Chairs

Title 1 /$200

Title I Parent Seminar


Parents will have the opportunity to participate in the District Seminar. Parents will be able to learn strategies to assist their children at home. In addition, Parents will also have the opportunity to listen to guest speakers and collaborate with other parents to increase their knowledge.

2/2/2019 - 2/2/2019

Parent Survey/Evaluation

Leadership Team/Title I Liaison

$120.00/Title I


Professional Development/ELO Activities

Provide detailed information to support activities such as teacher salaries, stipends, materials and supplies

Funding Source

*Entire Title I Professional Development allocation must be reflected here

Biology & Civics EOC Review and FSA Review (Extending Learning Opportunities)

Biology and Civis students will attend review sessions to prepare for EOC.
Math and Reading FSA Review.

Title 1


Professional Development Activites

Unwrapping Standards Saff Develpment

Title I


Professional Development Activites

Training for standards - reading, math, language arts, science. (substitute pay)

Title I
