Title I Plan

School Name

Broward Estates ES (0501)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Title I Requirements

COMPREHENSIVE NEEDS ASSESSMENT of the entire school (including the needs of migrant children) with information about the academic achievement of children in relation to the state academic content standards.
Describe the process utilized to conduct the comprehensive needs assessment for this school.

A comprehensive needs assessment of Broward Estates Elementary School is conducted by reviewing data from IREADY, BAS, FAIR, FSA, and BSA.  District Formative Assessments and formative assessments created by instructional coaches.  We use these assessments to determine the proper placement of teachers and students as it pertains to student enrollment and student teacher success.

Instruction by HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS in all core content area classes
List instructional staff and paraprofessionals that are NOT highly qualified (instructional staff only).

Stephanie Times
Joanne Brown

Describe strategies that will be used to attract high-quality, highly qualified teachers.

At Broward Estates Elementary School, the Administration, as well as the Leadership Team work collaboratively in these efforts.
Each new teacher is provided with support from a grade level case manager. The case manager works very close with the new teachers providing assistance, coaching and curriculum support.

Staff Development:
Broward Estates Administration provide opportunities and resources for counseling and support in the areas of teaching challenges and strategies for success. 

Support Staff members, provide at the request of the Principal, Professional Development trainings for PreK-5 teachers where PreK-5 Literacy tips are share as well as math and science.

All of these efforts should help Broward Estates Elementary recruit and retain highly qualified teachers in all areas.


ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS - Coordination and Integration

Title I, Part A
Title I funds provide additional teachers to assist students, particularly low performing students.

Title I is a federally funded program for economically disadvantaged children who reside in school attendance areas with a high concentration of children from low income families. Title I funds are used to provide supplementary instruction to raise the achievement of struggling students in reading, writing and math. Title I funds are used to provide staff development, and to improve delivery of instruction to increase student success. Our focus is also on parent involvement in order to increase family participation and family literacy. Funds are used for extended learning opportunities, to purchase food, supplies/materials and to provide stipends for teachers and presenters.

Title I, Part C- Migrant
(Migrant-Title I schools have been advised if Migrant students attend their school)

No migrant students at this time. 

Title I, Part D
Neglected and Delinquent

The District receives funds to support the Educational Alternative Outreach Program that coordinates services with the District's Dropout Prevention Program.

Title II
(District professional development)

Teachers participate in district-developed workshops in Florida Standards, differentiated instruction and various academic standards training.

Title III

The ESOL Coordinator and Guidance Counselor collaboratively coordinates our ELL program. Together they secure materials and services from the District's Multicultural department for English Language Learners. All ELL students receive reading and developmental language arts instruction by an ESOL certified teacher.

Title X- Homeless
(Homeless- All Title I schools may complete with this statement)

Currently we have 14 homeless families who are receiving services through the Heart Program.

Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI)

Supplemental Academic Instruction (SAI) funds are used to provide an education for our struggling students and free and reduced lunch students. These funds are used for our Saturday Academy and before and after school tutoring programs.

Violence Prevention Programs

  • Red Ribbon Week, a drug resistant campaign, is conducted school-wide.
  • Gun safety is provided by our school resource officer and delivered to grades K thru 5 and teachers to educate them by providing information and safety tips to help protect children from gun accidents and violence.

    Broward Estates Elementary implements the County Student Code of Conduct and follows the District Discipline Matrix. Our School enforces the District's Anti-Bullying Policy and has a zero tolerance for bullying and violence. Bullying prevention programs are supported through Peer Counseling/Conflict Mediation programs, guest speakers, student assemblies and our City of Lauderhill school resource officer. Anti-Bullying and Diversity education are also integrated during special classes and in counseling sessions by our school counselors to prevent violence and develop a positive relationship amongst students throughout all grade levels. We also have a Motivational Coach on campus to provide support for our students.

    The administrative staff and leadership team enforces the districts anti-bullying policy 5.9 and the state Anti-Bullying law to ensure and promote security and safety in the education environment.

    Instructional strategies in Character Education is used throughout the school to promote positive behavior and positive relationships. One of the character education traits (respect, honesty, responsibility, self-control, tolerance, kindness, citizenship and cooperation) are integrated into the Pre K-5 curriculum monthly, and incentives are used to promote positive behavior and enhance the health and well-being of the students. (F.S. 1003.42(2)(s))
    Additional instructional strategies are delivered through training(s) and modeling by the school counselor and the school social worker in order to educate the students in prevention education.

Nutrition Programs

We currently participate in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program. 

Housing Programs

We currently do not participate in any housing programs. 

Head Start

We have one teacher funded through Head Start funding to educate 4 year old students in the surrounding communities. The early childhood expertise of these teachers has assisted with providing a solid foundation with the use of the OWL (Opening the World of Learning) curriculum and the Creative Curriculum Framework so that students transition easily into the Kindergarten Program.

Adult Education

We currently do not offer Adult Education.

Career and Technical Education

We currently do not offer Career and Technical Education.

Job Training

We currently do not offer job training. 



Pre-School Transition

Pre-School Transition

The Literacy Coach along with the kindergarten team coordinates a Kindergarten Roundup (orientation) to help parents transition their children from preschool to elementary school. The teachers use this opportunity to meet and greet the parents and give instructions on the necessities and expectations in kindergarten.

The Literacy Coach coordinates and assist with administering the FLKRS assessments, during the first week of school in order to collect baseline data and to modify the instructional focus calendar timeline if necessary. The Literacy Coach also coordinates times, location and schedules for administering these assessments.

Transitioning students into Kindergarten from Head Start at Broward Estates Elementary School is vital to our learning community., the Head Start Program ensures a smooth transition to kindergarten by clearly specifying the necessary enrollment processes and timelines to all families participating in the program. The HS family services support team and the HS teachers provide ongoing guidance to the HS families by indicating the students’ corresponding home school, immunization requirements, and dates scheduled for Kindergarten Roundup at Broward Estates Elementary.



Parent Involvement Goal:
Based on the analysis of the parent involvement data, identify and define an area in need of improvement.

Our goal is to have 60% of our parents participate in decision-making meetings about their scholar's education  by attending Open House, monthly SAC meetings, Parent Nights, Parent Seminars and parent teacher conferences.


2017 - 2018 Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who participated in parent involvement activities. [i.e., Use documentation from sign in sheets]

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


2018 - 2019 Expected Level of Parent Involvement:

Indicate the number of Parents and/or Guardians who are expected to participate in parent involvement activities for this year.

Total Number of Parents and/or Guardians


PARENT INVOLVEMENT ACTION PLAN ACTIVITIES (Aligned to School-Level Parent Involvement Plan)


Strategies & Activities to Increase Student Achievement

Start/End Date

Evaluation Tool

Person or Position Responsible for Coordinating/Monitoring

Amount/Funding Source

STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Math Nights

STEM nights are geared on students participating in hands-on science activites that embed math, engineering and technology in order to increase student achievment outcomes. 

5/22/2019 - 5/22/2019

Science Assessments

Science Lead Teacher

STEM Grant

Literacy Night 

Students and parents will receive ELA, English Language Arts strategies to increase student achievement in outcomes in reading and writing. 

1/15/2019 - 1/15/2019

ELA Assessments

Literacy Coach

General Budget

SAC/SAF Meetings

During the SAC/SAF meetings parents will recieve vital information pertaining to the needs of their scholar in order to make informed decisions to support their scholar's academic and behavior needs.

4/22/2019 - 4/22/2019

Parent Feedback/Increased Parent Involvement

SAC Chair

Title 1


Professional Development/ELO Activities

Provide detailed information to support activities such as teacher salaries, stipends, materials and supplies

Funding Source

*Entire Title I Professional Development allocation must be reflected here

Varying Professional Development Opportunities 

Professional development opportunities will be geared at individual teacher needs along with grade level and school-wide data trends. 

Title 1