School Name

Westglades MS (3871)

School Year

2018 - 2019



Building the Capacity/Infrastructure for Implementation

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Coaching is used to support MTSS implementation

Why is it occuring?

Initial coaching is provided and focuses primarily on facilitating and/or modeling the RtI process, including examples and strategies utilized in all 3 tiers. However, the coaching and PD occurs during Pre-Planning for all of our teachers. However, the coaching and training is not ongoing and is often times overshadowed by other school and district initiatives.

What are we going to do about it?

Coaching schedules and/or activities need to be redesigned to include ongoing opportunities for professional development, hands on activities and data review. Coaching needs to occur at least once a quarter in order to show the prioritization of the RtI process as well as to ensure teachers and staff are able ti implement tiered interventions, collect data and progress monitor with fidelity.

Action Plan

Schedule Pre-Planning PD on MTSS/RtI and follow up the PD with quarterly reviews and coaching opportunities. Supplement the quarterly PD and Coaching opportunities with the Guidance Counselor "data chats" previously mentioned. Provide opportunities for teachers to sit with grade level Guidance Counselors and/or AP's to assist in data review and data entry in BASIS.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

In order to monitor and measure the success of the plan, the MTSS team will monitor BASIS to ensure there has been an increase in teacher usage (Tier 1 strategy entries). Additionally, teachers will be able to provide feedback on the PD and coaching opportunities through the meetings with grade level Guidance and AP's.

Person(s) Responsible


Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Data are used to address performance across diverse group

Why is it occuring?

The majority of student names being discussed at our MTSS meetings are parent/community initiated requests. Often times, our parents are looking to formally establish a 504 Plan or IEP in order to serve as a safey net for their high-performing students. They are interested in obtaining various classroom accommodations in order to further ensure their student's success. The parents will submit private psychological reports and/or formally request in writing their desire for testing, intervention and action. As we adhere to policy and procedure by responding to the parent within the 30 day time frame, we find that a great deal of time is spent on students who are demonstrating average to above average grades, are scoring Level 3 and above on the FSA and are showing no signs of emotional or behavioral distress. Consequently, our students who are consistently scoring Level 1's and 2's on the FSA, are struggling in class and demonstarting varios emotional/behavioral concerns, often get missed. 

What are we going to do about it?

In order to ensure that our struggling students are being properly identified, the grade level Guidance Counselors will conduct monthly "data chats" with our teachers. Teachers will be asked to utilize BASIS to enter all Tier 1 documentation on their struggling students and additionally share the names and supports/interventions they've put in place for these students. Those students will then become part of our weekly MTSS agenda so we may proceed with implementing tiered interventions for support.

Action Plan

All teachers will be expected to participate in the "data chats" with the grade level Guidance Counselors. All teachers will continue to receive PD on BASIS, RtI, tiered interventions, data collections and displays, and progress monitoring. The MTSS committee will ensure the tiered interventions are being implemented and documented through BASIS. The grade level Guidance Counseor and grade level APs will serve as Case Managers for the student's in their respective grade levels. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Our success will be measured by the number of students showing positive progress academically and/or behaviorally because they are receiving adequate academic and behavioral supports through the RtI process.

Person(s) Responsible


Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Supporting Evidence for Data-Based Problem-Solving

File Name Added By Uploaded Date
SAM-2018.pdf Jon La Rosa 10/10/2018