School Name

Chapel Trail ES (2961)

School Year

2018 - 2019



Communication and Collaboration

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Staff are provided data on MTSS fidelity and student outcomes

Why is it occuring?

Teachers have lacked standard based aligned assessments and interventions.

What are we going to do about it?

School based resources have been used to purchase the I Ready program for grades K-5 in Reading and Math.  Teachers feel that these programs are best aligned to Florida State Standards and include appropriate assessment tools.

Action Plan

In I Ready students complete the diagnostic assessment which provides the classroom teacher information on the students strengths and specific weaknesses.
​The I Ready program designs a student specfic learning path that addresses students needs.Standards are periodically assessed. In addition, teachers individualize student instruction in small group based on student needs and intervention prescribed through the RTI process.
​Administration/Support Staff will meet monthly with grade level teams to review student data, discuss trends, identify students that have not demonstrated mastery, determine interventions and plan for re-assessment.  
​The RTI team will meet twice a month to review student data and determine next steps.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Success is determined by monitoring that students in RTI either make sufficient improvement that they can be scaled back to Tier 1 and monitored, or that students not responding to intervention are referred for evalauation.

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date


Completion Date




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Effective data tools are used appropriately and independently by staff

Why is it occuring?

Teachers need additional training on how to access, interpret, and use data from IReady Reading and Math.

What are we going to do about it?

September 2018- administer Diagnotic Assessment to students
​October 2018- Provide in-house training on I Ready  Reading components and in ways to use the data fo drive instruction
​November 2018- Provide In-House training I Ready Math.
​Ongoing : Monitor student growth at mid year and end of the year for both iReady Reading and Math.

Action Plan

Provide teachers training on accessing, interpreting and using data from IReady Reading and Math to plan for instruction and remediation.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

​Using our data, we will determine the percent of students performing at or above grade level

Person(s) Responsible

Follow Up Date


Completion Date
