School Name

Foster, Stephen ES (0921)

School Year

2018 - 2019




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

The leadership team is actively facilitating implementation

Why is it occuring?

The team is looking at ways to support educators implementing the critical elements of Behavioral MTSS/RtI identified in the strategic plan for the purpose of continuous school improvement.

What are we going to do about it?

The leadership team will consistently engage in efforts to faciliate behavioral MTSS implementation and support teachers as they implement the critical elements of MTSS identified in the strategic plan.

Action Plan

  • School based leadership team will engage in professional learning of the critical elements of MTSS/ RtI
  • Create a MTSS/RtI Leadership Calendar 
  • Leadership team members will facilitate weekly MTSS/RtI and CPS Team Meetings 
  • Leadership team members will align and integrate the critical elements of MTSS/RtI into Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

How will we monitor and measure our success?

  • Measure our success by Self-Assessment of Multi-Tiered System of Supports (SAM) domain average increase
  • Collect evidence to support implementation, MTSS/RtI meeting agendas and professional learning sessions
  • Records review (BASIS 3.0)
  • Classroom observations
  • MTSS/RtI look fors
  • Critical Components Checklist and/or Observation (District MTSS/RtI Instructional Facilitator)

Person(s) Responsible

Ricky Grimaldo, Principal, David Martin, Assistant Principal, LIsa Leider, RtI Support Teacher, Natalie Havens, Guidance Counselor, Jennifer Brodsky, ESE Specialist, Gillian Munter, Literacy Coach

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Three Tiered Instructional /Intervention Model

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Tier 3 behavior practices are based on students' needs, aligned with Tier 1 and Tier 2

Why is it occuring?

Tier 3 behavior strategies do not incorporate all of the following that address integrated common student needs:

  • common student needs
  • link to Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction
  • PD for teachers to implement positive interventions to improve classroom behavior
  • implement positive behavior plan schoolwide

What are we going to do about it?

Tier 3 (supplemental) behavioral and emotional practices exist that address integrated common student needs, are linked to Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction, will also be monitored using assessment/data sources tied directly to the skills taught.

Action Plan

  • When meeting with our Collaborative Problem Solving Team (CPST), we will discuss what behavioral interventions can best meet the needs of each individual student (Ex. behavior chart, token rewards)
  • Teacher will implement Tier 2 strategy with fidelity and follow-up with the CPST team to verify the success of implementation.
  • There will be a link between Tier 1 and Tier 2 practices
  • Strategies will link to Tier 1 instruction
  • Strategies will link to academic content/instruction
  • Assessments/Data sources link directly to the skills 
  • Tier 3 behavior plans will be implemented as needed

How will we monitor and measure our success?

  • Tier 1 strategies will identify learning standards, school-wide expectations for instruction that engage students and include school-wide assessments
  • Tier 2 strategies will be tied directly to the academic, behavioral and social-emotional skills taught
  • The Leadership team will integrate these elements into Professional Learning Communities (PLC)

Person(s) Responsible

Ricky Grimaldo, Principal, David Martin, Assistant Principal, Lisa Leider, RTI Resource Teacher, Natalie Havens, Guidance Counselor, Jennifer Brodsky, ESE Specialist, Gillian Munter, Literacy Coach, classroom teachers

Follow Up Date


Completion Date
