School Name

Hollywood Hills ES (0111)

School Year

2018 - 2019




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

The leadership team actively engages in ongoing professional development

Why is it occuring?

The leadership team does not always have time or funds available to engage in ongoing professional development opportunities.

What are we going to do about it?

Hollywood Hills Elementary is a Title 1 school this year.  Some Title 1 funds will be used for professional development opportunities open to the leadership team.

Action Plan

Professional development opportunities will be shared with the leadership team members.  Title 1 funds will be available to cover the costs of substitutes for team members to attend trainings.  

How will we monitor and measure our success?

Professional development points will be tracked in MyLearningPlan.  Points earned last year will be compared with points earned this year. 

Person(s) Responsible

Leadership team members

Follow Up Date


Completion Date




Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Effective data tools are used appropriately and independently by staff

Why is it occuring?

Staff is not always aware of where to find data tools and how to effectively use the tools.  

What are we going to do about it?

Grade level team leaders will review data tools with team members.

Action Plan

Grade level team members will review data tools with grade level teachers.  Data will be monitored through the grade level Professional Learning Communities (PLC) process.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

The grade level teams will monitor data on an ongoing basis during the PLC process.  The grade level teams will conduct data chats will the principal.

Person(s) Responsible

Grade Chairs

Follow Up Date


Completion Date
