School Name

Pompano Beach MS (0021)

School Year

2018 - 2019



Communication and Collaboration

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

Educators actively engage families in MTSS

Why is it occuring?

PBMS family and parents are not actively involving parent through the MTSS process. Parents are not included in all steps of the problem solving process.

What are we going to do about it?

PBMS will actively engage through various campaignd to increase family and parent involvment of the MTSS and RTI process.  This will be done through parent/teacher conferences where, IEP Meetings, Open House and Student Orientation. Strategies, Material and Technology tools will be offered.

Action Plan

PBMS will send home brouchures or handouts to all parents.  Information will be disseminated through conferences, PBMS School website,News Letters, Open House and Parent Link. We will use resources, such as Power-Point, Video and Display Boards to increase parent awarness of the MTSS/RTI Process.

How will we monitor and measure our success?

We will monitor and measure our success through increased parent participation in the MTSS/RTI process.

Person(s) Responsible

Administration and Support Staff

Follow Up Date


Completion Date



Data-Based Problem-Solving

Current Average
Goal Average
For 2018 - 2019
What elements will be addressed?

DBPS for student outcomes occurs across content areas, grade levels, and tiers

Why is it occuring?

The team maintain limited data for acedemic content areas, grade level, and behavior outcomes.  As a result, the data-based problem solving process is not done with fidelity.

What are we going to do about it?

Teachers and staff will be provided ongoing professional development on monitoring data and collection. Our Team will utilize data formed student tiered plans and make decisions based on student outcome.

Action Plan

The team will monitor limited data for academic content areas, grade level, and behavior outcomes with fidelity.  A rubric will be develop to effectively measure student progress and data. 

How will we monitor and measure our success?

The Team will create a Data Based Problem-Solving (DBPS)  rubric  to effectively measure student progress and data in all content areas.

Person(s) Responsible

Administration and Support Staff

Follow Up Date


Completion Date
