School Name

Silver Lakes ES (3371)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Engagement Goal

The environment or culture in which engaging programs take place must consider and plan for: families to feel welcomed, valued, and respected by program staff; two-way communication and relationship building with families are adapted to meet changing family and community circumstances; opportunities are provided for family support and development through the family partnership process and through intentional parent/family peer groups within the program and community.



Review Customer Service expectations with staff.

Strategy Review Customer Service expectations with staff.

Customer Service (PDF)

Due Date 30 Days (From School Start)


Objective Added By Date

The Customer Service handout was distributed and reviewed by faculty and staff during Team Leader Meeting   The handout was also reviewed during a support staff meeting and office staff meeting in a smaller forum discussing ways we can improve our customer service to our families. Facuty and staff will sign the training log. Those who were not able to attend will receive a make up session, This log will be uploaded into document section of this document.

Objective: To provide exceptional customer service to families and community stakeholders and create a welcoming schools environment that is inviting and supportive of our community.

Ronit Lewen


Provide exceptional customer service to families and community stakeholders

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Ronit Lewen

Ronit Lewen



Way(s) to Measure Progress Added By Date

Teachers will sign the Training Log. Attendance will be monitored. Your opinion Count! A Suggestion box will be placed in the main office.

Ronit Lewen



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Ronit Lewen




Connect families with school, district and local community resources.

Strategy Connect families with school, district and local community resources.

Programs and Services Checklist(PDF)

Due Date Upload documents by the fifth week of each quarter


Objective Added By Date

SEL families will receive ongoing school communication via ParentLink, Twitter, Facebook, teacher website, flyers, school website to communicate events and happenings in our community. Additionally, the school welcome center will include a variety of flyers and resources to parents.

Ronit Lewen


Provide ongoing updated relevant resources to families and the community

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Ronit Lewen, School Counselor and Michelle Lopez, Literacy Coach

Ronit Lewen



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Ronit Lewen




Recognize the cultural uniqueness of families served in the school/community.

Strategy Recognize the cultural uniqueness of families served in the school/community.

Cultural Awareness (PDF)

Due Date Between the 5th and 6th week of school


Objective Added By Date

Silver Lakes Elementary strives to create a welcoming school environment where staff, students, and families' cultural identify is recognized and celebrated.  Silver Lakes Elementary facilitates several cultural heritage family nights throughout the school year to celebrate our multiculturalism. For example, in October we facilitate Hispanic Heritage Month, in February we facilitate African American Heritage Family Night, and in May we faciltate our Multicultural Expo.  

Ronit Lewen


Bridge the Cultural Gap between Families & Staff  

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Ronit Lewen and Michelle Lopez

Ronit Lewen



Way(s) to Measure Progress Added By Date

Parent survey (exit ticket asking parents to identify one thing they've learned). Face resource center

Ronit Lewen



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Ronit Lewen




Continue the "Catch Them Being..." program recognizing individuals supporting a positive environment/culture in your school.

Strategy Continue the "Catch Them Being..." program recognizing individuals supporting a positive environment/culture in your school.

Catch Them Being Great (PDF)

Due Date Monthly


Objective Added By Date

  1. "Staff Shout Out" Bulletin board will be placed in the Teachers' Lounge. Teachers will give a shout out to one another recognizing  actions and behaviors that promote a positive school environment and caring.
  2. The Assistant principal will include a section in her weekly newsletter for staff recognition "Catch Them Being Good" section.
  3. Teacher of the Month and Non-Instructional Staff of the month will be selected and recognized each month. Their picture will be displayed in the hallway.
  4. Pictures taken throughout the month of teacher engagment and posted on social media as well as shown in slide show during school events (faculty meeting, etc. ).

Ronit Lewen


Provide incentives to maintain a positive school environment

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Michelle Lopez

Ronit Lewen



Way(s) to Measure Progress Added By Date

Provide incentives to maintain a positive school environment. Monitor teacher input and participation in activity.

Ronit Lewen



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Ronit Lewen




Share Social and Emotional Learning Competencies with families.

Strategy Share Social and Emotional Learning Competencies with families.

SEL competencies (PDF)

Due Date 1st Semester


Objective Added By Date

School Wide events will take place throughout the year to promote key SEL standards such as Peace Week, Kindness Week, Gratitue Week, Friendship Week, Leadership Week, etc. Parents will be informed and will be encourage to participate in these events.

Mentoring program events - teachers will be paird up with student who exhibit a social emotional need. School (program) wide events will be communicated to parents. Often times, mentor and parents communicate regarding student progress.

Small counseing groups in collaboration with guidance, school psychologist, and social worker to address key SLE standards and student needs. Parents wlll be informed regarding group processes.

SEL committee will meet quartery to review our population SEL needs.

Ronit Lewen


Provide tiered support for Social Emotional Learning 

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Ronit Lewen

Ronit Lewen



Way(s) to Measure Progress Added By Date

quarterly SEL committee meetings to review progress towards meetings SEL goals

Ronit Lewen



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Ronit Lewen



Ronit Lewen


Engage in deliberate school-wide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities in LEAPS

Strategy Engage in deliberate school-wide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities in LEAPS evidenced in SIP, Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP), RtI Action Plan, Attendance Plan

Due Date Daily

Provide tiered support for Social Emotional Learning as evidenced by daily use of LEAPS, RtI, and other supported strategies. Documentation for this strategy will be evidenced under Best Practice 2 RtI Action Plan and embedded activities in the Behavior and Attendance Plans.