School Name

Lyons Creek MS (3101)

School Year

2018 - 2019

Engagement Goal

The environment or culture in which engaging programs take place must consider and plan for: families to feel welcomed, valued, and respected by program staff; two-way communication and relationship building with families are adapted to meet changing family and community circumstances; opportunities are provided for family support and development through the family partnership process and through intentional parent/family peer groups within the program and community.



Review Customer Service expectations with staff.

Strategy Review Customer Service expectations with staff.

Customer Service (PDF)

Due Date 30 Days (From School Start)


Objective Added By Date

Our focus to continue and improve our customer service to our famiies and community stakeholders will include the ESOL night and monthly SAC meetings.

The ESOL night focused on inviting all families in order to provide various levels of trainings by the staff members of the school suggesting best ways for parents and significant others to be involved with their child's education to ensure success.  The night was presented in multiple languages.

 It is estimated that 70% of waking hours (including weekends and holidays) are spent outside of school suggesting that while it is critical to reach every student during the school day, there are many more hours of the day that are spent mainly in the student's home. Therefore, a strong home-school connection is crucial to the success of the student.

Shena Wright


Provide exceptional customer service to families and community stakeholders

Nadia Clarke



Person or Group Name Added By Date

Jennifer Fredericks

Shena Wright



Way(s) to Measure Progress Added By Date

Progress will be measured throught annual District survey.

Shena Wright



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Shena Wright




Connect families with school, district and local community resources.

Strategy Connect families with school, district and local community resources.

Programs and Services Checklist(PDF)

Due Date Upload documents by the fifth week of each quarter


Objective Added By Date

Provide ongoing updated relevant resources to families and the community

Nadia Clarke



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Shena Wright




Recognize the cultural uniqueness of families served in the school/community.

Strategy Recognize the cultural uniqueness of families served in the school/community.

Cultural Awareness (PDF)

Due Date Between the 5th and 6th week of school


Objective Added By Date

LGBTQ Initiative

Students of color, those from low-income areas, and those who identify as LGBTQ face oppression based on their multiple identities. LCMS is committed to safety, fairness, and dignity for all students. 

Our LGBTQ Community Initiative aims to create a more intersectional movement to end educational inequity by encouraging more LGBTQ leaders to teach.

  • Direct student support
  • Family and community engagement
  • Policy and advocacy
  • School culture and climate
  • Teacher preparation
  • School Liason will ensure community stakeholders are involved in school activies and progress and development and address specific needs of both the school and the stakeholder.

    Recognize that all parents, regardless of income, education level, or cultural background are involved in their children’s education and want their children to do well in school;
    Link family and community engagement efforts to student learning;
    Create initiatives that will support families to guide their children’s learning, from preschool through high school;
    Develop the capacity of school staff to work with families;
    Focus efforts to engage families on developing trusting and respectful relationships; and
    Embrace a philosophy of partnership and be willing to share power with families. Make sure that parents and school staff understand that the responsibility for children’s educational development is a collaborative enterprise.

Shena Wright


Bridge the Cultural Gap between Families & Staff  

Nadia Clarke



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Shena Wright




Continue the "Catch Them Being..." program recognizing individuals supporting a positive environment/culture in your school.

Strategy Continue the "Catch Them Being..." program recognizing individuals supporting a positive environment/culture in your school.

Catch Them Being Great (PDF)

Due Date Monthly


Objective Added By Date

Provide incentives to maintain a positive school environment

Nadia Clarke




Share Social and Emotional Learning Competencies with families.

Strategy Share Social and Emotional Learning Competencies with families.

SEL competencies (PDF)

Due Date 1st Semester


Objective Added By Date

Provide tiered support for Social Emotional Learning 

Nadia Clarke



File Name Added By Uploaded Date


Shena Wright


Engage in deliberate school-wide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities in LEAPS

Strategy Engage in deliberate school-wide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities in LEAPS evidenced in SIP, Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP), RtI Action Plan, Attendance Plan

Due Date Daily

Provide tiered support for Social Emotional Learning as evidenced by daily use of LEAPS, RtI, and other supported strategies. Documentation for this strategy will be evidenced under Best Practice 2 RtI Action Plan and embedded activities in the Behavior and Attendance Plans.