About the Grant

Project Performance

School Projects

School Grant Sites

PBL Podcasts

Learning Plans

Student Presentations

Instructional Technology



Essential Question:
How has conflict shaped the world?

Project Desciption:
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students researched and created Keynotes, movies and websites on "How has conflict shaped our World." Supporting question centered on pros and cons on being green and how racial conflict has changed our world.


Tselane Stith Gardner (8th grade Science):
Students researched alternative energy sources to help us being green. They created web pages and movies to convey the message. They created a awareness clubs the help promote greater awareness.

Scott Werner (6th Grade Science): Students created videos on their thoughts, views, on being Green.

Olga Coy (8th grade Social Studies): Students made PowerPoints and websites showing who racial conflict contributed to society.

Channale Williams (6th grade Language Arts): Students looked at conflict and compromise and how it took place throughout history. They produced

Bentley Williams (7th grade Math): Students conducted research and interviews then create a news show on the economic effect on being green.

Lisa Schuurmans (7th grade Language Arts): Students conducted research and making videos on being green.

Leroy Smith (Instructional Technology Specialist): supported the teachers and students while they progressed through their projects.